Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Easter 2011

What a fantastic time we all had at Easter. Most of the time it's just the two of us there so it was a rare pleasure to have Katie, Tim and burr-dog Cedric with us. There were quite a few photographs taken so I'm going to make this post mainly pictorial. 

Nothing had changed from our previous visit - no unwelcome surprises, thank goodness, but neither had the clean up fairy helped us out either.

Where were the 7 dwarves 'hi ho-ing' when we needed them?

I guess it's all about perspective.. in January we see "flood affected", at Easter it's kindling!

We don't put on the dog around here ya know!

After a bit of sleep

and some breakfast

(may I just say - DEAR GOD TIMOTHY!)

it was time for us all to get to work. These pics must have been taken the second day, as the grass is nice and short around the van.. Katie was a whiz!

Heckle and Jeckle got to work pulling down the old pen which proved to be quite a difficult and delicate task as the mesh had been buried a metre into the ground.

Tim - aka Axeman or Thor - began his quest for man hands.

The gloves soon got thrown to the ground with disdain. Yes, he threw them to the ground.

Soon, his hands were as manly as THIS...

but he didn't let Katie's insistence on having bandaids all over his hard earned wounds stop him from leaving her a message..

and not long after the photo was taken he threw the bandaids to the ground too and the spring returned to his step.

After a great deal of hard work one side of the pen eventually was cleared,

the materials were taken to the high ground on the other side of our campsite, and work on the newly designed 'modular' pen system began.

Meanwhile, back at the camp, I was getting some exercise..

getting the place looking nice,

and burning off some of that 'extra energy' I have so next time someone comes near me with a camera I don't have to shriek "god, my fat rolls" and start madly hugging myself.

Katie, on the other hand, is so thin that perhaps she should leave the mowing to me!

Evenings were always entertaining, as you can tell by the look on my face (and hers),

but Mother usually has the last word in most matters. Actually, I don't often have to say anything...

Now whilst we're having all the fun, the men were hard at work. No, really, they were!

Although Ray has designed this new system to be modular, construction is following the same process. That ground was rock hard because Russell had serious difficulty getting the digger to dig one metre down.

Success was to be had though, in the end.

The final result of our trip to Frog Song Farm was one section of our new pen finished

and some very exhausted but happy campers. Bring on Easter 2012!

PS. Almost forgot the foreman..

Cedric - aka burr dog. <3