Monday, July 5, 2010

It's time,

well and truly for an update, except there's really not much to tell.

We've barely been to the farm in the last twelve months due to Ray's shift roster changing (he now works day shift Saturday and Sunday) and my schooling. The last two times we have been it's poured with rain and we've gotten absolutely nothing done. The locals must love us - the rainmakers!

I'm really missing our time on the farm together. The place looks unkempt and unloved. It's pretty sad. :| The fruit trees are growing well, and Woody's sheep are happy there too I suspect but FSF is going to have to wait another 18 months at least before she's really going to start being looked after well again. Thankfully time seems to fly these days.

1 comment:

brian_smaller said...

Hi guys

Miss the updates - tell that useless bugger to email me.:)
