Tuesday, January 15, 2008

An abundance

of feathered, furry and frightening critters call FSF home.. here's a few more.

Our rooster who now resides in Ballarat. We never did get around to giving him a name, which is a shame really considering he was such a good boy. A true gentleman - keeping his girls safe and always offering the best tidbits to them before partaking himself.

We have heaps of wolf spiders lurking under the leaves and mulch. No matter how hard I try not to, I still get a fright when I come across one of these critters. Beautiful markings, scary as hell!

A spawning beastie! Ack!

Oh the biggest and scariest of them all! The other weebeasties get polite personal space afforded to them from me, but there's nothing wee about these beasties - they get half a mile put in between me and them quick smart! The buggers love to hid under the bark on the logs of wood we put into the fire in winter. I hate it when it's my turn to get the wood..

Despite being one eyed, and quite elderly, Willy loves to get up to the farm. He considers it his duty to patrol the pen perimeter every hour or so which then earns him the right to sleep under the trailer for the remainder of the time he's there.. :)

If a picture says a thousand words, then I'll just leave it up to Bonnie's face to tell you how much she loves the farm..

The lone ranger.. most unusual because this tree usually houses so many of these noisy sods that we can't hear ourselves think. I'm glad I like them otherwise they might drive me nuts!

Along with frightening, furry and feathered, we also have fungus! I have no idea what this is, so if anyone can enlighten us we'd be pleased to find out..


Anonymous said...

What a great update - lots of fantastic photos. Also no idea what that fungi is.

Linda said...

Thanks! If ever I find out what it is I'll leave a comment here..