Sunday, January 6, 2008

Over the

two years that we've been hanging out at FSF, we've taken a number of photos of the folk who reside there permanently..

Katie discovered this little fella whilst spending a week with Ray at the farm during school holidays. She immediately dubbed him "the Gonzo bug". We've since discovered that he's a gorse weevil so we were pretty pleased to see him. We'd like a hoarde of his mates to turn up as well so they can knock off the gorse we have but unfortunately that's unlikely. Ray acquired a brushcutter in September so the gorse will be meeting with that shortly.

This little fella doesn't reside permanently but just stopped by for a feed one afternoon. He was remarkably friendly, letting me get quite close to him before wandering off to another briar rose bush for some more tucker. A great visitor - nice and quiet and didn't overstay his welcome!

This unusual creature is known as the Grim Fence Clinger, which has evidently migrated from New Zealand. He is a rare find, known for being fiercely protective of his territory and those within it. The Grim Fence Clinger has a voracious appetite, has been known to exhibit strange behaviour such as imitating monkeys, expels gas continuously, and amazingly for his sex, doesn't snore! All in all I'd have to say that we are most fortunate to find this rare and special creature at FSF.

A most Maori lizard! hehe, not really.. :) This guy is a Shingleback lizard trying to frighten away the giant with the camera. It didn't work.

Aren't they just beautiful? A pair of juvenile Welcome Swallow who left the nest the following day. Since then we have noticed many Welcome Swallows around the place but not any more babies. Two other nests have been constructed but no babies. We arrived recently to discover this particular nest had been knocked out of it's mud housing and was on the ground. We brought it home and Erin took it to school.

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